Senay Sokullu
Florens, J.P & Sokullu, S. (2023). Optimal weighting for linear inverse problems, Electronic Journal of Statistics, forthcoming.
Sokullu, S. (2023). More is Better, or not? An Empirical Analysis of Buyer Preferences for Variety on E-Market, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming.
Sokullu, S. & Valente, C. (2022). Individual Consumption in Collective Households: Identification Using Repeated Observations with an Application to PROGRESA, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(2), 286-304
Sokullu, S. (2020). A Regularization Approach to the Minimum Distance Estimation: Application to Structural Macroeconomic Estimation Using IRFs”, Oxford Economic Papers, 72(2), 546-565.
Sokullu, S., & Stouli, S. (2017). Cross-Validation Selection of Regularisation Parameter (s) for Semiparametric Transformation Models. Annals of Economics and Statistics/Annales d'Économie et de Statistique, (128), 67-108.
Florens, J. P., & Sokullu, S. (2017). Nonparametric estimation of semiparametric transformation models. Econometric Theory, 33(4), 839-873.
Sokullu, S. (2016). A Semi‐Parametric Analysis of Two‐Sided Markets: An Application to the Local Daily Newspapers in the USA. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31(5), 843-864.
Sokullu, S. (2016). Network effects in the German magazine industry. Economics Letters, 143, 77-79.
Ivaldi, M., Sokullu, S., & Toru, T. (2012). Chapter 10 Are Airports Two-Sided Platforms?: A Methodological Approach. In Pricing Behavior and Non-Price Characteristics in the Airline Industry (pp. 213-232). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Working Papers
Identification and Estimation of Demand Models with Endogenous Product Entry and Exit (with Victor Aguirregabiria and Alessandro Iaria), submitted
Partial Effects in Time-Varying Linear Transformation Panel Models with Endogeneity (with Irene Botosaru and Chris Muris), revision requested from Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Airport Prices in a Two-Sided Market Setting: Major U.S. Airports (with Marc Ivaldi and Tuba Toru), DP10659, CEPR Working Papers
Work in Progress
Empirical Analysis of Hybrid Platforms (with Ozlem Bedre-Defolie)
Identification Failure in Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Models (with Sukjin Han and Stuart Lane)
Multidimensional Heterogeneity, Small Support Instruments and Identification of Treatment Effects (with Jean-Pierre Florens, Whitney Newey and Sami Stouli)